Lithophytes, Humicolous and Saprophytic Orchids

Orchids can be classified in various ways. When using their common physical characteristics as a basis, they are classified into genera. When considering their growth pattern, orchids are classified into monopodial and sympodial growth types. And when classifying orchids based on their natural habitat, we arrive at the following classifications: Epiphytes Terrestrials Rupicolous Humicolous Saprophytes … Read more

Bulbophyllum Orchid Care: Everything You Need to Know

Bulbophyllum orchids form the largest genus in the orchid family, currently composed of over 2000 species. As there are more than 2000 species, the genus Bulbophyllum had to be divided, now having several subgenera. Moreover, this genus is considered the second-largest genus of flowering plants in the world, second only to Astragalus. They were accepted … Read more